Since publishing RE Tech’s Reaction to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) (2022) we have begun to dive deeper, examining how the IRA could impact commercial real estate ESG initiatives. Based on our preliminary review and extrapolation of how this landmark legislation might play out over the next several years, here are some high-level recommendations to consider:
Take a look at those large building renovations that were previously cost-prohibitive. The IRA will provide $1 billion over the next 10 years for efficient building code adoption grants and numerous other incentives. Since this means that energy codes will likely strengthen AND there will be more resources available – you’ll want to ‘futureproof’ your assets by further accelerating energy efficiency investments and decarbonization plans, making your property more attractive to future buyers, tenants, and residents:
The Department of Energy’s Better Buildings program is highly involved in this work and deploys a lot of resources; if you’re not already a partner, become a partner and tune in to their webinars and communication for the latest news.
There is $370 Billion available in the form of tax credits, loans, grants, and rebates…but much of this may or may not be accessible to real estate investors. Consult your financial teams, tax advisors, and controllers, and get them primed to counsel you on potential tax opportunities and assess their applicability to your circumstances:
Note: Not all the details of the legislation are fully developed, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Treasury Department still have work to do, but it’s never too early to start researching and putting a plan together to position your entity in a place to take advantage of these programs based on your organizational structure.
This is a nuanced (read: huge) piece of legislation, and it will take time for its various programs to roll out. But some of the positive impacts on RE Tech, LPlan for renewables to become more and more common in commercial real estate. The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and Production Tax Credit (PTC) have been expanded and extended for at least 10 years:
Keep in mind that national clean energy progress will change as certain cities capture more money or pilot better programs. Historically, clean energy tax credits have helped lower the cost of renewable energy by up to 85%, and we expect this trend to continue. We already see businesses, like Black Bear Energy, on the market working to help clients navigate onsite renewable energy deployment, a telltale sign that this movement to clean energy is gaining attention.
There are significant incentives targeting increased electric vehicle (EV) adoption, likely stimulating increased consumer buy-in leading to more demand for charging stations and EV infrastructure across all property types:
Bottomline – EV charging will increasingly be viewed as a valuable tenant/resident amenity. Make sure your properties are positioned for the future, remain up to speed on different EV platforms and technologies, and meet the demands of the changing consumer landscape.
Seeking to address historical injustices embedded in our energy system, the IRA contains numerous programs that will attempt to reduce the social costs of climate change by up to $1.9 trillion by 2050. The factors considered to inflict the greatest social costs were rising temperatures, property damage from sea level rise, as well as other disasters and health impacts. The IRA will seek to:
If you have affordable housing assets, assets in underserved communities, or assets in areas heavily reliant on fossil fuel production, you can likely take advantage of even more funds through bonds, GGRF, grants, and rebates to magnify climate justice. Get creative as you find opportunities to boost the social piece of your ESG strategy.
The Inflation Reduction Act has committed $370B to energy and climate provisions, but a good portion of these resources will likely be administered and deployed through local states, municipalities, non-profits, and other entities. It may take years for the programs mentioned above to be finalized and details to be known, but there is an opportunity for real estate leaders to shape and steer how this infusion of capital hits the market. By getting involved locally – taking a seat at the table – you can provide expert advice on how these programs can support the commercial buildings sector and your community at large.
The broad reach of investments outlined in the IRA legislation is an important catalyst for addressing the risks of climate change. We look forward to continuing to monitor the planning and implementation of this important legislation and will be communicating information and further takeaways to our clients and network. If you would like to discuss your specific needs or have questions, reach out to RE Tech at anytime.
Inflation Reduction Act Affordable Housing Policy Brief_0.pdf (
What does the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) mean for EV charging? | Tritium (
DOE Projects Monumental Emissions Reduction From Inflation Reduction Act | Department of Energy
8.18 InflationReductionAct_Factsheet_Final.pdf (
FACT SHEET: Inflation Reduction Act Advances Environmental Justice – The White House
Inflation Reduction Act could cut climate damages by $1.9 trillion (
The Inflation Reduction Act charts a pro-climate, pro-worker path • The Berkeley Blog